As a non-trained musician, I compose not only to show a factoid about some physical or interactive element as the main component of an artwork, but I also use the conceptual meaning of musical and other contemporary topics to transmit the ideas that I deem reasonable for a certain message to transmit. Using musical or sound mannerisms is just an element of such transmission of concepts as are any of the other elements of my installations.


I link visual, acoustic, and other sensorial elements to concepts where the existence of such interwinding generates a layered meaningful work.


Normally, my practice is centered around physical elements mixed up with technical and conceptual elements derived from my research and curiosity. The acquisition and display of certain skills (or the enhancement of a flaw through the acquisition of such skills) is a main element in my practice, where the role of the methodology not only serves esthetic purposes but also relates to the meaning of the concept (or concepts) to be transmitted and is dependent upon the individual experiencing the artwork and their own system of beliefs.